Thursday, 5 April 2018

scenes at the NIOS exams April 2017

walk into any govt org or office in India and ... something that Personifies Callousness ...greets you ....
and it is no different in NIOS centers .... no one cares and no one could be bothered
is that what happens ....when people start getting the 7th pay commission pay scale ....does it wrench humanity out of them
today like me ...quite a few parents reached the venue around 2.20pm ...10 minutes before the exam started .... no one wanted to wait in the heat and dust outside the school ..
and when i walked inside ....utter chaos today too ...just like day before ...
one thing set everything apart ... there were quite a few specially abled students .... they were being taken around by their mentor ....still trying to find the classroom to sit in ....
and i saw one child ...he had a walker he had only one leg ....the walker could not be used to climb the stairs ....his friend or relative could not lift him ...even though this child is very thin ...finally the little boy ...climbed the stairs by sitting down and using his hands to lift himself up the stairs ....
the school has sooo many peons ....not one came to help ...
what was heartening was ... the way parents chipped in... most of the fathers and mothers who were there ...were helping seat children unaccompanied by their parents .... some parents paid off rickshaws in which some spl needs kids had traveled in....most of these kids are so very special ....however they get soooo easily flustered ....
NIOS comes directly under the HRD ministry .... after hearing the stories shared by parents whose kids were giving exams for the second time ...and some whose kids were giving two papers at a time .... i feel India will Never Shine ...till the powers in Delhi get a little more real ....a little less complacent and a little more human ...
why get all the papers corrected in Delhi itself ...and have Glaring Loopholes in the System .... where ...such important documents like Answer Sheets go missing and no one give a Damn ...
Pathetic, Shoddy and Deplorable State of Affairs --NIOS

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...