Thursday 19 September 2019

my kids thoughts about Moholaya

Yesterday my kids father told them that tonight and all of tomorrow we will have to eat veg food as it is Moholaya ..a time when all those who have passed away... visit earth...
My Imports from Mars are happy that Michael Jackson will be visiting.....
I dared not LOL.... are sooo funny.... you tell them A ....they think of MJ .... never know what connections live wires make ....
They were Heartbroken the day Michael Jackson passed till then they never had seen the person behind the voice on the CD in the car...a few weeks back I heard them discuss how tragic MJ's life was ... and how manipulative media can be...
Sometimes listening to kids talk is Pune... the balconies of my house faced the play area of the housing complex adjacent to my building and evenings and holidays....I would get to hear...All kinds of Isms from little made for interesting tea and coffee breaks ....

my thoughts before starting homeschooling both my kids ...

And I have Arabic to learn...coz day after is the Arabic language exam... which...the lady in school promised me ... Won't be happening😃😃😃
Icing on the cake... question papers are sent from Abu Dhabi... will according to what was supposed to be covered according to the lesson plan for All Bhavans schools in the GCC ... the going just keeps getting Hilarious😂😂😂
I have the alphabets and numbers and colours and few more words...
Plus I have saved a site that teaches Arabic in 21 days 😃😃😃
My little one has taught himself Japanese thanks to his favourite Japanese cartoons...spl the Goku series...
Now to see how much of Arabic we can master for the after...
Btw Grey in Arabic sounds better than my favourite colour blue
The reason I💙 the Bleu text book by Mauger is coz of the system it follows... every chapter has vocabulary and grammar and conjugation and snippets of extra Information....
If people like to cut copy paste in India...why not use the system too... what some Indian text books do is Pakaoo Khichadi Adroitly
What a Herculean mess ...they end up as

And may I Always remember to keep my mind open....

I wrote this post on 19th September in 2017

In 2016 I was wondering how my little one will be Ok without me in a far off land... Don't really know the reason for that matter closing's very important to have an open mind for something to Really click...
That's the Beauty and Tragedy of Team Sports... even the last person in the team will have had a grueling schedule to get into the Best Team of any Team Sport...
What sets people apart is Perseverance and Dedication and Practice ...
Last year when my elder child was dealing with a problem with his hip bone...the diligence with which he did the exercises the physiotherapist advised...
This year I keep reminding my little one to exercise... and I have to keep reminding him to eat fruits...
On the field the elder child tends to panic sometimes.. whereas since the younger child was team captain quite often in school and Fun Fitness- the club they were going to...he rarely panics on the field...
Yesterday when I was discussing this year being the last the younger child goes to school...his father panicked and wouldn't listen...
People in India have Such a Negative view of homeschooling and NIOS ...that it confounds me...I sat and taught my child everything from scratch for his exam today and it's Very Easy to teach my younger child...he is the most cooperative student...
Why should I pay such high fees and then teach my child everything that he should be covering in school...
There are a handful of schools geared to Grooming future Sportspersons...
It's a Huge decision to tread a different February or so ...I saw an advertisement for a course in film making at the FTII and I told my elder child... even though your exams are round the corner...I won't mind it ...if you want to do this course...he was very Vociferous in saying No thank you...
After a while I realized...spl when he has mastered using the Adobe Primer Pro on his own...that he learns Best ... what he teaches himself...will be making him give his 12 Board Exams next year...he asked for a year to concentrate on his YouTube channel and I support his decision....
However getting the father and my parents and other relatives to keep quite is very different Ball Game...
A career in Sports is a huge gamble... However... even if they don't make it...they can get back to studies even later in life...
The silver lining is the opportunities for allied activities related to Each example being their last personal coach in Pune...he collected money by coaching youngsters to fund his further studies in football in the UK...
The mindset in my country is so myopic that ...we Indians can not see beyond a few career opportunities...
It took me quite some time to accept football... fouling and injuries et all...
Once your child has a dream... many sacrifices are called for...
And may I Always remember to keep my mind open....

Conversations chez moi on 1st April 2017...

 Conversations chez moi  yesterday : little one to me ....if you say Yes to me mama (he needed an ice cream) i will teach you bad ..bad word...