Monday, 15 April 2013

FB and the 'Like Button'

I joined FB after i quit teaching in a private college i was working for, my students were always talking of posting messages i had for the absent ones on FB. I used to wonder as to what kind of a system it was, the kids i taught were always telling me to join but i had no time or inclination for such networking. One gets attached to students one teaches and i joined FB soon after i handed in my resignation in that pvt college. It is a wonderfull way to connect to people, find old long lost friends and sometimes just play games like my two sons do.
After joining i started to explore as to what, and how the system worked and that was the first time i saw the 'power of a like' to put it in a way. The Like button has so many hues to it has a cultural context, social context, age based difference in usage, i also wonder if a country wise research has been done on the percentage of people using the like button, sometimes it can also be used sarcastically or can it ?????  

1 comment:

Oli M. said...

I've noticed many idioms for that like button, depending on the context. In some places, it means, "I wholeheartedly agree with this". In others, it's "Especially well said", even if they don't agree. I have one friend who likes nearly every reply--I think for her it means, "I read this, and you are my friend, and I value you talking to me!" And many of those I'd just mentioned will have thought it of it in those kinds of explicit terms.

Since there are so many ways, I try to adapt to how other people are using it, just as I might laugh, gesticulate, or joke more or less depending on the company.

Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...