Tuesday, 16 April 2013

The people who use scare tactics and bombs ....falsely believe they will rule the world ........

After reading about and seeing the media coverage of the Boston episode, i started to think about the different countries that face such situations. Some face it sporadically, some more often and some on a daily basis.The people who resort to such scare tactics to get across their point, whatever the issue are the biggest cowardly criminals.The issues they wish to highlight or the goals they want to achieve become soaked in the blood of innocents. This has a boomerang effect as people stop listening to murders who may or may not have a strong agenda. Nothing justifies the killing of innocent people who have nothing to do with the wrongs that have been done to group going around bombing places.
In insurgent activity that i saw first hand and those i read about in the news papers, the fact that amazes me most is that the people revolting .....resort to killing their own people .....people belonging to their own state and country!! and the question i have is who finally benefits from this..... and those who kill are human too and do they not mourn the death of a loved one ......
This is depicted so beautifully in the movie made on Kasab(the boy who was hung for the Mumbai Mayhem) ....specially the scene in which Kasab is asked by the inspector asking him to identify the bodies of his friends ....and the intense dialogue that follows, a dialogue that is applicable to all insurgents irrespective of the agenda and cause they are fighting for ....... when you kill innocents, do you think of the pain their loved ones go through ......it is the same as the pain you go through when your loved ones are killed.......... 
On the tea estates in Assam, every year the tea bushes were pruned in rotation, that is some area of the estate used to pruned.
Recently i saw a post that made me think of pruning on the tea estates and how it really happened on two levels.....the actual one on the plants and the second pruning happened at the worker level.....the insurgents used to brain wash the workers from using the free services being provided by the management of the tea companies. Some of the workers instead of sending their children to the school provided by the management would make their children work on the estates. Sometimes with girls one could understand that the parent was worried about the safety of the child left alone at home. The workers would not use the medical help provided most of the time, the only thing they really availed of was the rations being provided by the company and the fuel wood.
The point i want to make is the insurgents used the workers for their own gain and in doing so ''pruned them for life'', stunted their growth  and kept them at the level they wanted by brainwashing them and making them anti management. In the event of  workers turning against the management and murdering some of the managers in cold blood, here too the insurgents benefited because they got away scot-free....... the means justified the ends in their eyes.......but i believe some day the second generation of these insurgents will pay the price for the crimes of these insurgents...... and this is a universal truth .... when people of any community take to arms to get their point across........ it is the future generations that will pay a price ............ and wonder why they are so MYOPIC to not see this truth ..........    

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...