Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Scapegoats ....ahhh don't we choose them with kid gloves ...Facebook par example !!!

I Strongly Feel ....Globally there is huge need for a Class Action and implementation of Laws to guide ....Cyber Presence ....on every platform we furnish our personal data...we are leaving a huge possibility of personal data getting used ....
has anyone used a platform to apply for jobs ...recently I applied via two pan India platforms ...And I started getting All kinds of teaching job suggestions ...despite writing I want non academic jobs ...I decided to pull out of these platforms and I can Only Hibernate my account ...I can not Delete my accounts .....
having lost a considerable amount of money thanks to MLM ie multi level marketing companies ....I realised there are No laws enacted to guide the players and participants in the MLM market in India
last year I bought a laptop for my son via a reputed consumer durable loan company and my personal information is being used by both the retail company I bought the laptop from and the loan company
saw an episode on Crime Patrol where a matrimonial site's data leak.. led to 3 women getting murdered ....
banks, hospitals, retail outlets, restaurants, dating sites, matrimonial sites Even educational institutions as small as a school dish out personal information ....
technology is changing and though we have Cyber Laws and much being done for the protection of people's interests and prevent Cyber Crime ... grey areas are aplenty
many areas do not have any laws in place ...take banking for example .... the cyber crime in this one industry alone is mind boggling ...the kinds of crime being attempted is unheard of fact in a remote part of a Uttar Pradesh in India there is an upcoming area of Criminal Specialisation....banking frauds are being Taught to wannabe conmen and conwomen .... leading to at least 5 reported cases of unsuspecting people losing their lives ....
during elections in my city since 2013 ...I found my name missing from the voters list again.. yet again and again parents and i had done our voter registration ...they got their voter cards ...i did not a govt school teacher and i filled in forms during my election duty as our names were not in the voters list
twice I approached local elected members to help me out ....
both times those two politicians was an independent, and an ex IAS officer and the second time it was a lady politician ....both used my information to forward their propaganda and my name is still not on the voter's list

however when I was working as a Full time Visiting Faculty in a govt college in my city ....I was forced to do Election Duty ....the liability for refusing to do this duty was jail time !!!!!! seriously ...
they have my data to give me election duties ...what about my data when it comes to giving me My Right to cast my vote ???? 
Its time ....globally governments put their heads together to be one step ahead of the criminal minded ...criminally insane ... or how can sane people get together to manipulate and harm ...the gullible and unsuspecting
and in a world where nearly all kinds of organisations are using data no manipulating data to gain .....why do a Chosen Few become Scapegoats ????
who doesn't manipulate and misuse Data .... No one Questions and No one has to dish out answers ....
however Scapegoats ....ahhh don't we choose them with kid gloves

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...