Thursday, 5 May 2022

The Legal Murders...

Crime NEVER pays... But.. Sometimes just Sometimes in life... people can have their cake and eat it too...

If you have been around these cases you know... sometimes a whole town Knows and Gossips about it but the murderers walk around scot Free...

It's the way Some Things many times in life i have thought about Karna in conjunction with these Legal other times I have wondered Why Luck Favours the Evil's Macabre How Life goes on smoothly for these Select Few...

Is it good karma from a previous birth??? If so why does that karmic goodwill make them Macabre and Thoroughly Evil in this birth???

Some things will be accepted by society Blindly even when Everyone knows the Truth...

I heard about a few cases during childhood but I saw it post marriage...hate made a mother daughter Macabre Duo hatch a Foolproof plan to get a government employee out of work... Voluntarily So...

When two people Plot very well... everyone can get Fooled and Blinded...

Their plan had the Most Macabre Effect on Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis... for the individual being Plotted against...

4 postgraduates in economics in that family...saw the jazz playing out... one was part of the Macabre Plan...yet it didn't Register as to what was going to happen...

Yes that one time I saw a person earning well ...end up penniless and it was a short run to a Tragic End from that point of time...

I nearly died in a plot of such Macabre intent... jealousy fuelled my Tryst with Death...

I didn't Waste time worrying about the Hate I dealt with or the Why and What and Who and How about the gift of physical pain i got as a Macabre gift...

I pushed myself to test my ability to Take Taunts to Its Limits and Stay with the profession I knew I would Quit one day...

In assssssssssam I heard of rumours of a very famous Artist getting bumped off by his equally famous sibling...

There were Soooo Many Macabre Stories of revenge...all Cloaked in Blood...

During the floods Every Year...i used to Wonder if Nature was Trying to Teach people in assssssssssam to be more humane...

Nature Tests that State Every year without fail...

Despite Humanity being on the Threshold of A New Era with Technological Advances ... I see a state still wrapped up in Black Magic and Worse mumbo jumbo...

World Over... Jealousy Rules...if anyone or any country is surging ahead... people will Always Ignore the costs of progress and the conditions which are not Always good or hunky fact sometimes situations are suffocating and controlling...

But All that people focus and hit on and are Jealous about is the Glitzy sheen of progress...

The Cost and Trials and one wants to even Try... But... Grudges against... everyone believes is their birthright...

Weird How Some Ways of This World Never Ever ∆'s been so since time immemorial...

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...