Sunday, 22 May 2022

The new age Voyeur...

 It's one thing to have a few off key notes in a political party... and quite another to see a large Contingent of ex road side romeo types who willed away time... the usual sadak chaap/roadside wastrel way...acing at cat calls and being a general nuisance to the community...

Imagine these types get Lucky and big time Sooo... from being a nuisance for society...they get double promotion and are the regulators of the very society that they riled and troubled no end...

It's like waking up one fine day and Literally realising that ...the wastrel back benchers with the least bit of respect for anything or anyone and limited, Wrong knowledge... got Lucky no hardworking frontbencher ever got... and heights of heights they are the government of the locality...

When such kind of anomalies happen... Rest Assured that the inherent voyeur in them will be anything but inherently voyeuristic... And will Necessarily... shout out about the voyeurism from their Rooftops:/

Good Times???

Depraved and Degeneration Personified!!!

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...