Sunday, 22 May 2022

The new age Voyeur...

 It's one thing to have a few off key notes in a political party... and quite another to see a large Contingent of ex road side romeo types who willed away time... the usual sadak chaap/roadside wastrel way...acing at cat calls and being a general nuisance to the community...

Imagine these types get Lucky and big time Sooo... from being a nuisance for society...they get double promotion and are the regulators of the very society that they riled and troubled no end...

It's like waking up one fine day and Literally realising that ...the wastrel back benchers with the least bit of respect for anything or anyone and limited, Wrong knowledge... got Lucky no hardworking frontbencher ever got... and heights of heights they are the government of the locality...

When such kind of anomalies happen... Rest Assured that the inherent voyeur in them will be anything but inherently voyeuristic... And will Necessarily... shout out about the voyeurism from their Rooftops:/

Good Times???

Depraved and Degeneration Personified!!!

My privacy vs Your Right and privacy...

 When the privacy of my home and even the bathroom can be invaded...why is some information of some people sacrosanct???

Aren't we still in the feudal times??? 

Anyone could enter poor people's homes and all upper classes were marauders...If they Chose to be... those days...


Now even those serving in public office and Don't know how to use a laptop can be Voyeuristic and look into any house age orange for you...

Do you folk have A Conscience???

Nameless, faceless, invisible Entities... I Soooo Look Down upon...

Today you laugh at my expense...But ... tomorrow someone you Abhor might pull A You on Thineselves...

Then what will you Do???

Life and society today trying to reach the Pinnacle of Technological Advances...

Good Times...No???

Sickening to the core...

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Appam and stew...

 Appam and vegetable stew--kind of... without the milk which is added to vegetable stews ... Coconuts lying around are developing cracks... Ergo trying to finish them ASAP... also...appam and stew is very convenient to make... since I add a whole coconut for 3 cups of soaked raw rice... the taste is Superlative...

Learnt this technique of making dosha like appams in the Annamalais ... during a helping session for a district party...the GM's wife was very helpful a person to new brides about the ways of catering and serving large crowds...Ditto about the executives wives...
Everyone gave tips and were encouraging and helpfull with praise too...
This dosha technique of making appams came in handy in assssssssssam when I cooked for a district tea party ...i made 200 appams and stew...along with tomato chutney sandwiches, gulab jamuns, boiled eggs, chickpea lentil fritters aka paripp vadas and the regular fillers like chips and savouries...since I made everything... the total expenditure in 2004 was ₹650 ... the lowest cost in the district for hosting a post lawn tennis...tea party...
Those days i longed for Pune and the convience of buying stuff like sandwiches and cakes from a place like Marz O Rin here...
In hindsight I feel that was healthy catering and satisfying too...
Only thing that day was the fact that I didn't wake up my elder child and I remember feeling terribly guilty when he woke up by himself and came and wished me in the kitchen a little after was the Latest my baby had zzzzed for... 
But I started at 6am and cooked non stop till 2pm and was well ahead of time to pay out and serve tea...
All of mohokutie tea estaten was in attendance and appreciated my money management and keeping costs sooo low...
Years later in 2008 i was in-charge of food and beverage during a college fest and for some twisted reason... the director slashed food rates from the Standard ₹40 a plate to ₹20 a plate... and I Aced at cost management and used the fact that I lived in the locality of the college All my Life to my advantage and delivered a Fait Accompli...
Pre and post that college fest faculty had to rake their brains to cater at half the normal catering rate...
We never know What we are being Tested for...i kept my eye on the Goal in front of me and took Life one day at a time...
In assssssssssam and Pune very Life was at stake for no fault of mine...
But I got out of assssssssssssssam alive and that was something I doubted Many times circumstances were dangerous and highly complicated...


Pseudo Wars vs Islamic Banking...

 One of the Biggest Conspiracy theories of modern times is the blacklisting of's very much like All the Schools of Thought in Ancient India burning to cinder All the works of Charvaka the Charvakan school of thought ridiculed the slaughter of Cows--yes Cows during Yagnas and Consumption of Beef ...yes Beef... ancient India Consumed Beef in Copious amounts... Vegetarianism is a post Buddhism and Jainism phenomenon... LOL

Similarly despite the Worst economic conundrum in many poor countries and despite some Pseudo governments not even acknowledging the post pandemic economic doldrums...i don't see the IMF or any Banksters agreeing to try the Systems followed by Islamic Banking and their Extremely Significant System of Simple Interest...

Btw do read up about The Etymology of the Word--Bank and Banker---a simple exercise... googleBa search will be Good Enough...hmmm ahhh:) LOL

Ergo i always feel the Wars Israel keeps getting into financed by the US are not against Islam but more against anyone Ever talking about Islamic Banking...

Keep the Middle East stuck in the Ruttt called War and label Islamic folk terrorist after killing scores of Americans by their very government aka 9/ All about the World... NEVER EVER hearing about kinder systems in Finance...

The anti-Semitic issue is so alive and kicking in America but they keep financing Fighting in the Middle East and keep the pressure on Palestinians alive at All Times...

In the final one from the IMF Dare vouch for Islamic Banking principles of Simple Interest...

But of All the Religions ...i only see Islam having the kindest way of charging for loans...

So Israel's love for Hindutvawadi India is nothing... when Both... Hinduism and Judaism don't have systems that are basic to propagating business...a Kind way to charge Interest...

The Tragedy is the fact that the Middle East NEVER EVER tried to spread Islamic Banking:(

Alternative Energy...

 If All of India tries what Cuba did during their Embargo Phase ...they went into hyperdrive with horticulture and each and every open space, balcony and garden was converted into spaces to plant vegetables and fruits...

Soon they were self-sufficient...

Similarly if every Society/ building is built with solar energy systems...our dependency on petroleum and hydroelectricity will these are two areas where India has a Deficiency...

Of late I keep seeing new construction incorporating solar water heating systems... during construction itself... commendable indeed Maharashtra πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

I see the society adjacent to mine has invested in solar energy systems on the rooftop... which is Wise...

The Tropics can Easily be self sufficient in energy using Free Solar Energy...yes it takes a bit of Maintenance...

But come's 10000000 times better than petroleum and hydroelectricity...

Coz sometimes dams add to the pressure along fault lines and give rise to Earthquakes 

Ergo Solar and Wind are Sooo Much More eco-friendly... wonder why Govts don't want to see the obvious sometimes:(

Thursday, 5 May 2022

The Legal Murders...

Crime NEVER pays... But.. Sometimes just Sometimes in life... people can have their cake and eat it too...

If you have been around these cases you know... sometimes a whole town Knows and Gossips about it but the murderers walk around scot Free...

It's the way Some Things many times in life i have thought about Karna in conjunction with these Legal other times I have wondered Why Luck Favours the Evil's Macabre How Life goes on smoothly for these Select Few...

Is it good karma from a previous birth??? If so why does that karmic goodwill make them Macabre and Thoroughly Evil in this birth???

Some things will be accepted by society Blindly even when Everyone knows the Truth...

I heard about a few cases during childhood but I saw it post marriage...hate made a mother daughter Macabre Duo hatch a Foolproof plan to get a government employee out of work... Voluntarily So...

When two people Plot very well... everyone can get Fooled and Blinded...

Their plan had the Most Macabre Effect on Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis... for the individual being Plotted against...

4 postgraduates in economics in that family...saw the jazz playing out... one was part of the Macabre Plan...yet it didn't Register as to what was going to happen...

Yes that one time I saw a person earning well ...end up penniless and it was a short run to a Tragic End from that point of time...

I nearly died in a plot of such Macabre intent... jealousy fuelled my Tryst with Death...

I didn't Waste time worrying about the Hate I dealt with or the Why and What and Who and How about the gift of physical pain i got as a Macabre gift...

I pushed myself to test my ability to Take Taunts to Its Limits and Stay with the profession I knew I would Quit one day...

In assssssssssam I heard of rumours of a very famous Artist getting bumped off by his equally famous sibling...

There were Soooo Many Macabre Stories of revenge...all Cloaked in Blood...

During the floods Every Year...i used to Wonder if Nature was Trying to Teach people in assssssssssam to be more humane...

Nature Tests that State Every year without fail...

Despite Humanity being on the Threshold of A New Era with Technological Advances ... I see a state still wrapped up in Black Magic and Worse mumbo jumbo...

World Over... Jealousy Rules...if anyone or any country is surging ahead... people will Always Ignore the costs of progress and the conditions which are not Always good or hunky fact sometimes situations are suffocating and controlling...

But All that people focus and hit on and are Jealous about is the Glitzy sheen of progress...

The Cost and Trials and one wants to even Try... But... Grudges against... everyone believes is their birthright...

Weird How Some Ways of This World Never Ever ∆'s been so since time immemorial...

My parents and my kids...

Written on 5/5/2015


5th May 2014

 today i will be taking 4 little boys and one little girl for a 3D movie ..... spiderman ... last time i saw a movie in a theatre.... was long long ago and that too was a spider man movie little one was still lisping ....

today i realise ...... time does fly ...... 

my kids have already finished their bath etc and are all ready to go watch the movie :) niece and nephew are here and my main exercise is to open and close the main door every 5 - 10 minutes ...... summer vacations are now fully on!!!! and every one is in full steam to enjoy to their utmost !!!...... kids are great to be in the company of .... so demanding are their ways .....u forget urself after a while :) and become a kid like them ....

HBD Soren Kierkegaard

 Happy Birthday !!! Soren Kierkegaard !!!

All human life could well be conceived as a great discourse in which different people come to represent different parts of speech. How many people are merely adjectives, interjections, conjunctions, adverbs; how few are nouns, action words, etc.; how many are copulas. People in relation to each other are like irregular verbs in various languages—almost all the verbs are irregular. (March 1836)

Soren Kierkegaard

Life is weird...

 Life is weird... But sometimes lessons to new entrants in an industry is Exempt...thanks to governments...

Despite Apple being part of the military industrial least they Value those who pay and own Apple products...

But ...spend a bomb buying a google phone or take Windows... products like these have Zero value for the money customers spend ...

Windows has a glitch written into their operating systems... check How many people comment on videos--explaining how to solve issues related to laptops crashing thanks to a Windows Update...

google i wish you and the Entire Cellphone Manufacturing industry takes Lessons in customer care from Apple...

Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...