Sunday, 31 May 2020

Lockdowns ....if a push comes to a shove ....laaton ke bhoot and baat na maane ...ergo Draconian is the way to impose Rules

31st May and cloud cover and relief thanks to cooler climes …..people have been going bonkers about air conditioning and servicing them and loads of kaw kaw kaw ….people from outside Pune have no clue how cold it gets after one heavy shower ..spl by the second week of the monsoons ….Pune goes back to being a hill station and we need to wear light woollens to be comfortable and warm ….
even during peak summers ….there is a cool breeze blowing every night in my city ….hmmmm
even though the IMD predicted a delay in the monsoons by 4 days in Kerala ...ergo Logically we should have been expecting the monsoons by the 10th of June 2020 at the earliest ….
31st May 2020 and complete cloud cover and an Assured promise of rains ….the skies are suggesting with Reassuring Sound Effects too ….howwwzatttt
Promise of Monsoons ….On Point !!!!
summer practically gave a guest appearance this year …. we hardly endured being in the sun ….luckily privileged we are... we did not brave the harsh sunshine this year ….nor did one of us have to walk for days on end in scorching sunshine with no footwear...and very little or nothing to eat ...
the sad part is some young folk have no clue just how dangerous this virus is …. it can give one debilitating conditions which require a long duration of rest and care
why tempt Luck by opening up apartment complexes to service people coming from cordoned off and extremely risky areas...
we in India have got so used to getting work done by house help ….that many folk just can not manage basic chores ….
in my apartment complex ... one person's lapse could result in problems for 18 families …..4 families have septuagenarians and octogenarians ….4 families have toddlers ….. 3 families have people with severe immunity compromised situations ….
any one family being lax about any one issue and they falling ill means this whole complex gets locked down …..
and those who need medication even now due to their immunity compromised medical condition will be that much closer to the Brink
few chores around the house vis a vis a child who can not hear or talk ...or a cancer survivor being pushed to the brink
reeks of zero skin in the game
I do not have a problem ….I will only think of my Rights and close my eyes to my Responsibilities and Duties
being selfish is one aspect, being mean is another and being frivolous and flippant is where many of us are ...
with so many cases on the rise in this city and this state ….
Bbeing Draconian is the only lingua franca aka lingo people seem to understand
give the camel an inch it wants an elm …..that is our problem...…
since the lockdown started ...people celebrated Gudi Padva, Vishu and Eid ….
zero guests …
we followed lockdown rules….
one young family wanted to be different and called guests....
and that is when I wonder If IT engineers lose out and have a few screws missing thanks to their job profile or is it a style statement to prove that they function differently
instead of thinking and functioning as one unit ...some apartment complexes have taken managing committees to court over … a small matter like not allowing house help to enter the premises...
what people forget is that the managing committee work voluntary free work ...
so now with partial lifting of the lockdown ….. nonsense has escalated ….and as always ….
If there is problem ….even a micro problem ...Factions get formed in nano seconds ….and Everything gets Compounded ….
awww nice- said like how the character Onslow says it in the sitcom 'Keeping Up Appearances' ….coz life in India is a Parody and Melodramatic Versions of ...Keeping Up Appearances and the Duesenberry Effect...aka the relative income hypothesis aka Keeping Up with the Joneses.... hmmmm
till one is hale and hearty ….the virus is something ….other people get ….
oh hello …. we will be hale and hearty ….If we practice Caution and Pipe down and be Practical about.... keeping contact to the minimum ….
if a push comes to a shove an expression which has a country cousin in Hindi ….laaton ke bhoot baaton se na maane....
ergo here in India we love to be shoved/kicked in the --- and then we agree to stop disagreeing ….na
that is why ….I hope the govt continues with the strict Lockdown till the numbers come down …..and the curve reaches a plateau which is Maintained ….
just because Pune is located on a plateau ...we should not Hallucinate that ...everything is always hunky dory here and throw caution to the winds
the virus is here as of now and it will not Vapourize just because... some have acquired cat DNA and think that turning a Nelson's eye means ….it is someone else's headache and problem ...
some people do not understand what relaxed norms mean and what being a tad altruistic and seeing the bigger picture means
ergo ….the State Govt of Maharashtra ….Kindly stick to Draconian Rules 🙏

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...