Long back when I was teaching... and was Admin for an online course in Banking... the LMS course designed by the HR and experts in Banking used Games to teach the Importance of Being Cautious with money belonging to Bank's customers...
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Play is the Best Way to Teach, Learn and Retain what is taught..
7 th November 2020 ... musings during my trip to Talegaon ...
today during my trip to Talegaon ... i saw soooo many restaurants shut down and abandoned for Good ...So Very Tragic the current economic situation is ... We have a Major Poverty Pandemic looming over us ... so many dhabbas and way side food stalls have been Wiped Out Forever
Sunday, 20 September 2020
My Imports From Mars and their Isms :)
And Yes ….in my case ….my child is the Father of his mom ….he wanted me to go to the bank with him and change the setting of his account ….from minor to major ...now that he is 18 and change the YT payments to his account …. it has been pouring cats and dogs most days and I kept forgetting to go to the bank
Tables Turn and How !!!!!!!!
on 20th September 2019 ...i wrote
Tables Turn and How !!!!!!!!
of late when I document my kids they click my snaps using Horrible snapchat filters …. such Terrible snaps Snapchat clicks ….
My Cup Runneth Over today …..my elder brat Refused to do a Section on Statistics during his 10th grade Board exam prep ….I did not force him ...he Abhorred Economics and walked out of the exam 45 minutes early ...he wrote only for 2 hours and 15 minutes …..I was Sooooooooooo Sure that he would Fail in Economics …. I did not even ask him as to what he wrote and he went through his paper and said that he will get around 45 and I was Beyond Thrilled when he passed ….he had got an iPhone as a gift Before the results were declared and I was Dreading a Verbal Showdown from his father ….If he failed his 10th Board exams
Phewwwwwwww is how I exclaimed when he passed his exams ….
and cut to last month My Elder Import from Mars downloads some App called Alligator or something to learn to Trade ...online trading is Risky business ….tried getting into it in 2011 and then Quit ….toooo many areas to keep track of and of course The Risk involved ...plus it is a Highly Technical field
today when my kids started off about the Rothschild and Federal banks ...I took this text book of economics and made them read about Banking and Credit Creation and Money and Banking and the Role of Central Banks
they do not believe me and unlike when I Question them about pwdpi and LP & JP …& KSI or whoever and their Shenanigans ….my kids tell me....Mumma do Not Believe the Media about such stories ….the media hates YTbers and the fame the big names on YT have and that the media is the Most Manipulative medium on planet Earth ...
and this very media when it puts forth an article about Federal Banks ….my kids lapp it up … LOL
they fail to see the Irony of the situation ….
the most interesting part of my day was when my Elder Import wants me to explain ….'Trend' ….I told him it is from the Section in Economics he Refused to Learn
namely Statistics …
and he is Ok with going over statistics and analysis and even analysing Trend Series and studying an industry from the Data pov to be able to analyse it ….
et my cup Runneth Over
finally the Horse Wants to Drink Water !!!!!!!
ahhhh haaaaaaaa …
what he Ran from ….is what he is keen to learn from … now …. just can not wrap my head around it … LOL LOL LOL
20th September 2020
Pune : 4500 new cases each day and a minimum of 50 deaths per day ... somebody had suggested one more lockdown which was Vetoed ... and The Ganapati Festival saw the Spike taking off ... if we speak against the Govt and Governance we get penalised in one way or the Other
Take Off Stage and the State of High Mass Consumption ...
Take Off : when used as Take Off Stage it is a stage mentioned with context to Developmental Economics ... best example of this stage is India 6 years ago ...even 5 years back the economy was poised on the Take Off Stage which can be understood with reference to a plane taking off ...Take Off Stage means a country poised on the brink of a march towards prosperity ...
just musings about death ...lol

Friday, 28 August 2020
#EatMoreMillets #Rye
Eating Rye ... and including it in one's diet Regularly
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Vernacular Languages should be introduced in a Fun Way in schools ...Combine Vernacular with ...Drama class and Music Class and Arts class ... Dialogue and conversation is how Vernacular languages should be Introduced
so how will such students cope when shifting from one state to another ??? on Tea Research Stations ..the kids of North Indian scientists were some who suffered the most ...when they shifted to Tamil Nadu ....Tamil becoming compulsory in the late 90s meant ...scrapping through class
what about CBSE and ISCE schools ....since ICSE schools have low level of Marathi and passing is not compulsory ....my kids had to change their Board altogether ...when their ICSE school changed to SSC in 2015 ....my elder child could never have coped with 9th grade level of Marathi in the SSC Board....
i never taught my kids English at home till they started Grade 1 ... till then they learnt Hindi and kept hearing assamese-spoken by their father and me... and Malayalam in their grandparents place and from me ... once they started Grade 1 i started using English when teaching ...or else i stuck to Hindi for dad to day Conversation
Hindi was the neutral language ...not their father's or my mother tongue ...plus in case my kids are alone due to some problem ...knowing Hindi could be of help .... not everyone understands English in India
in a world where E-Sports is getting to be a Huge Opportunity ...why would India want to grant our kids ....lack of Fluency in English ???
kids as young as 9 are participating in Global Events be it Science or Maths Olympiads or Competitions....so it would be Unfair to Deny knowledge of a Global Language to the young kids in India
Before the Proposals are Levied ....it should be sent out to Objective Critics and Parents ...for a Feedback
Only then can Policy really Help a country like India ...
in school ...i learnt English from Lower KG along with Hindi...which was in an Air Force School .....then when i shifted to the convent school-i passed out from... during my Sr KG ...i had only English to contend with ...i started Marathi in Grade 1 and Hindi in Grade 5 in the convent school following the SSC State Board ....so i learnt English and Marathi from Grade 1, Hindi got added in Grade 5 and i dropped Marathi in Grade 8 and learnt English, Hindi and French during 8th, 9th and 10th grade
ICSE kids had English and Hindi and Marathi was optional ....now Marathi/Vernacular is compulsory in all Boards...
Except in IB and IGSCE schools
i do see a huge Shift in kids going to the IB and IGSCE Boards ...if parents have a transferable job .... it is very difficult picking up Various Vernacular languages for kids ...spl when some of them shift in between terms ...
i Feel Vernacular should be a Fun class in all schools ....Combine Vernacular with ...Drama class and Music Class and Arts class ... Dialogue and conversation is how Vernacular languages should be Introduced and then the child and parent allowed to judge... IF they want to take it further ....
Shoving a Language down a child's throat is a Bad way to inculcate a Love for Languages
Monday, 27 July 2020
Who is the Real Architect of Economic △/Change in India???
ergo who got the Label of Architect of △ in India
Sri PV Narashima Rao Ji ...the then PM
who helped him???
Manmohan Singh Ji, P Chidambaram Ji and the Chairman of the then Planning Commission Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia Ji
there were Major Areas we had to have Significant and Radical changes in ...like VRS ...who had ever heard of Mass Scale of Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Govt officials in an Overstaffed Govt Sector ???
just take this one VRS ...it had a huge Multiplier Effect in the Economy as many of those who retired went on to start their own SMEs and some went on to be successfull Entrepreneurs ...
PPP public private participation was also part of the Agenda Right
So Rahul Gandhi Ji ....Aap kaise keh sakteh hain ke the Railways starting PPP schemes is going to Harm the economy ???
the Railways has always been an... at Best a Break Even sort of Sector in India ....my uncle and cousin were Chief Signal Inspectors in the railways and i would see Kalasis who helped with household chores et al being not fully productive and a lot of over employment everytime i used the railways offices to make phone calls to them ....
Profit Motive being absent meant ...a Total Lackadaisical Attitude and not a Very Driven set of people looking into the hospitality aspect of the railways ...
the overworked ones are those manning signals and security and a few more depts ....but Catering and Cleaning..could Really do with a makeover
i never travel by Air India or Indian Airlines ...i always use private airlines ....so you see how it is ...
i will take the example of HAL Pune ....hindustan antibiotics ltd Pune was a badly managed loss making unit which had a Dynasty system to employ people too ....after a father his son would get his job etc etc etc ...it got soooo bad that no one employed there Ever bought drugs manufactured by HAL ...till it came to Closure Notice time
then the union decided to pull up it's socks and worked very hard to Turn around the org
unless pushed the public sector employees have a rather laidback attitude in life ...
an SBI office vis a vis an ICICI office
so i feel PPP will be good in the long run ...in the short run there will be some amount of unemployment ..... which will get absorbed according to their skill levels ....long term prospects of PPP is anyday better than the Exclusive Only Public Sector Categorisation for the railways ....
and saying this is bad is like actually saying that what Manmohan Singh Ji and his team propounded was Wrong too ....
the roots of PPP were sown by the IMF and carried forward by the Congress itself .....
Think about it
Saturday, 25 July 2020
ummm Brain Games .... Solitude ...the card game ...not the song .... ;)
as his sister who taught in a college in assssam never ever read newspapers... nor did research and he could not understand my addiction to reading ...he does not Read per se ...i always did his research for him right from college days ...he has to write a paper and i had to forage for material and courier it to asssam from Pune ....ergo ...lost case

so One reading and i knew Every Word by Heart ....my brains were on a Schrödinger's Wheel ...so to speak .... i never read the text from text and reference books i followed ...
i would read newspapers and even the radio gave me material to teach ...Examples via advertisements and songs and jingles and my fav show was broadcast by the Mumbai office of Radio One ...a show where stalwarts from the field of advertising... were interviewed and their playlist which used to be a mix of English and Hindi songs would be showcased .... listened to it till 2012 ...
when i returned to India in July 2013 that show was gone and so was my will to teach and the radio was in a different space too ...
since 2012 reading has been Predominantly Online ....and when i have 8-9 tabs open ....
and time is an Ally now ...
the Desperation to Remember Every Word i Read is gone
hmmm ... should get back to Brain Games
have you ever tried it ???
Brain Games ???
Awsummm Funnn it can be
kinda like Solitude
ummm the card game not the song

Saturday, 18 July 2020
Misogyny and ...Sweeping It under carpets .....and a movie
those papers kept my mind off the pain
for the 1st time post reaching back to Pune .... the kids father insisted on subscribing to cable TV
TLC had me hooked to shows by chefs and Star World and Indian channels had me hooked to movies ....English and Hindi ....something about the movie Australia hit me in my gut....
the Poems hit a nerve ...
the aura of the Artists .... the setting and the songs sung by the aborigines ...
the Hero of the movie is definitely Female ....it was Nicole Kidman's character that shone through more fiercely than a Star ....when she Openly acknowledges 'Creamies' we call such people anglo indians here in my country
the Nonchalance with which she speaks about the Real Reason she knows her husband is living Down Under and her Steely Resolve to go visit him in person
the very opening of the movie sets the tone for Heroic from an otherwise ...typical English Noblewoman who has never stepped outside England
the fact that tugs at one's heart is how We Women Accept and Never Question the excesses by the men in our Lives ...we keep taking and taking and taking Abuse and keep Quite
no matter how educated we are and no matter how liberated we imagine we are ...
that Theme Runs through the movie ...
When the Boss Lady Asley wants to adopt the little interracial child living or rather hiding on her cattle ranch Faraway Downs ....and openly talks about it during a ball in that city town hall .... the Aghast silence that follows ...
not one White woman in the gathering there will Ever acknowledge or mention .... Extra Marital Affairs or like or acknowledge the interracial children called Creamy ...
be it Australia or The Sleeping Dictionary or any movie that talks about extra marital issues ... those who live with this ...will avoid talking about it ...unless it was in America and an Amazing Mrs M
like how presidents get impeached in America ...we in India are more Accepting of such issues .... one person makes a mistake due to his Urges .... we Indians do not get into a Song and Dance about libido .... hmmm we are the land of the Kamasutra after all ...only thing we Evolved to treat sex as Taboo and talk about sex even more Taboo ...
and...Yettt we are the second most Populous nation on Earth ...LOL
hmmm we are Weird that way ....
point is ...is straying bad per se and does losing public office become necessary ...
yes if the person used his/her Power-given to the person by the public of the country via a vote ...to manipulate anyone employed by his government for sexual favours is reason enough to lose office and most importantly --the chair..
we have quite a few people with murder cases against them being part of the Decision Making Units in the govt of India ....
everyone who Errs ...needs a Second Chance
but we Draw the line when it comes to Continuously Misusing Power entrusted to said folk by the public of a country
the women who accept men who make a habit of straying and vice versa ....and also the Line in Society that demarcates ....talking and making Conversation ...and Flirting ....
when conversation about mundane humdrum things is equated with Flirting
Self Appointed Pseudo Moral Keeping raises it's Medusa-esque head
who decides that men and their predatory ways are a given to be accepted
and any woman having conversations with men is a Slut of the Worst kind ....even if the woman in Question has never had coitus with any of the said men
being friends and/or emotional attachments are sin too???
and then the Silence and Hidden Tears of the Richest Second Sex in my country or any country of this world
would any of these husbands Tolerate their wives going out and having an Affair .... very few ...next to negligible are men Enough to deal with such issues and/or deal with Stronger and More Successfull Partners
sooooooooooo many women ...including me ...take a break ...time and time again to please in-laws and the man i married ....the best years when i could have built my career in the field of teaching in assam ...i was made to be in a maid mode and yelled at Daily ...for Not Being Good Enough
when relatives post marriage actually tells one to end their life .... the Will to Survive Becomes the Strongest
also when a lady is carrying and is going through a Crisis ....the unborn child sends healing to the mother's body .....a rare case of the Dependent Variable and unborn child ...healing the Host/Mother ...
Nature is weird ...if you notice Trees ....they will weather storms and invite all kinds of creatures to peck on them and burrow down in their cocoon ....
and Even Offers Shade to the person who will cut it down ...
we women have a Resilience that Nature built into us ..to deal with childbirth and the Hardships of Nurturing Men who refuse to grow up
all that is Perfectly Fine but the Parasites among men always get the most Forgiving of wives
what kind of Karma is that and who Decides this kind of
Burning ...Searing kind of Circle of Life
some days the Injustice in the systems of our society
Astounds and Amazes me in equal amounts ....
Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...
they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...

The first thing that struck me as odd was the fact that there were no street lights on the high way in Assam, this makes the roads ...
My first memory of a radio is of the one which my dad assembled for us siblings way back in the 70’s. My love for the radio started with t...
I joined FB after i quit teaching in a private college i was working for, my students were always talking of posting messages i had for the...