Sunday, 20 September 2020

Take Off Stage and the State of High Mass Consumption ...

 Take Off : when used as Take Off Stage it is a stage mentioned with context to Developmental Economics ... best example of this stage is India 6 years ago ...even 5 years back the economy was poised on the Take Off Stage which can be understood with reference to a plane taking off ...Take Off Stage means a country poised on the brink of a march towards prosperity ...

and then we have America which used to be at a 'State of High Mass Consumption' UK is there i guess ...but not all of USA or UK is into high mass consumption ....thanks to the slow down and Covid the game changed
earlier the use of electronics and white goods was high but now we all Repair more than before
that way Japan is the country to emulate.... once a country reaches a level of Prosperity ....boom is a phase no country can sustain but prosperity can be Maintained
Be it Bahrain or Japan or some European nations ...they maintain Prosperity despite the Odds
Reuse and Repair and Sustainability should be the way ahead
Simple Interest and Solar Energy Germany being a country with maximum use of solar power vis a vis India which gets wayyyyyy more sunshine than Germany but uses 1/100th the amount of solar power ...
European nations should push for more Solar Power and Sustainable Goals and then Prosperity will be for Everyone ...IF some European nations have Free Education ...
why not all nations globally ...Free Education ???
here in India ...govt colleges fees are Extremely Affordable could be made Free
Govt employed Profs in Germany are a Mentally Free Lot ... i met one such prof from Bremen University and was mighty Impressed ....
once there is Security for a job ...the Person Employed can do 10 times more and be extremely productive
to think that the blood line in Germany and Europe is soooo closely linked but policies are sooooo different
i hope the World Seriously Thinks about Copying Best Practices

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...