most of us think of ...miles to go before I zzzzz and miles to go before I zzzzzzzz ...
and then on the day of the accident ...a decade ago ...the last thought I had ...seconds before my head hit the road was ....this is IT's over ...I didn't even get time to think of my 5 and 2 year olds ....
when I became conscious a matter of a minute and realised ...all those comments about weight gain were Spot On...all that gorging on snacks in the college canteens had snaked up on me much that ...I could not even get up from the road sloth like I had's when I realised ...something is not right with my right hand hand is so rubber like and extends beyond my knee ...and rotates 360degrees ..... suddenly the funniest of thoughts started coming to me ....I felt no pain for 20 minutes ...I scooped up my rubber like hand and placed it in my lap after a bit...
and then on the day of the accident ...a decade ago ...the last thought I had ...seconds before my head hit the road was ....this is IT's over ...I didn't even get time to think of my 5 and 2 year olds ....
when I became conscious a matter of a minute and realised ...all those comments about weight gain were Spot On...all that gorging on snacks in the college canteens had snaked up on me much that ...I could not even get up from the road sloth like I had's when I realised ...something is not right with my right hand hand is so rubber like and extends beyond my knee ...and rotates 360degrees ..... suddenly the funniest of thoughts started coming to me ....I felt no pain for 20 minutes ...I scooped up my rubber like hand and placed it in my lap after a bit...
and wondered if my veins had got an exercise of a Lifetime ??? were they stretched to breaking point in the time I took to reconcile to ...the lengths my hand had travelled to...again once in a life time like ....
and then it hit me ...just got back after a 8year break and this is my waterloo ....
then I thought nearly had reached a point of plot twist ...
where instead of saying miles to go etc .... the last line would be
grasshopper .... spent most of her time on earth ....pontificating and pontificating and pontificating ....LMAO ...
that's when I saw the husband going bonkers about his bike and I was like Martians and their response to a crisis ....epic-ly moronic .... what if I had kicked the bucket just sitting there ...what if there was some internal bleeding or something like that ...
I think the minute the humour and hysteria went out ...reality hit with a cloud burst kind of thundercloud ...if there is some such phenomenon...
then the pain hit me and my funny thoughts vamoosed
then I thought nearly had reached a point of plot twist ...
where instead of saying miles to go etc .... the last line would be
grasshopper .... spent most of her time on earth ....pontificating and pontificating and pontificating ....LMAO ...
that's when I saw the husband going bonkers about his bike and I was like Martians and their response to a crisis ....epic-ly moronic .... what if I had kicked the bucket just sitting there ...what if there was some internal bleeding or something like that ...
I think the minute the humour and hysteria went out ...reality hit with a cloud burst kind of thundercloud ...if there is some such phenomenon...
then the pain hit me and my funny thoughts vamoosed
and I thought 'the whoever' who said that labour pains are the worst ....had no clue about broken bones Ever LOL
I just read the words Plot Twist a few minutes ago ....ergo dark humour ...surfaced ....out of the blue
I just read the words Plot Twist a few minutes ago ....ergo dark humour ...surfaced ....out of the blue

P.S : ergo for my 3rd operation when the plate on my radius and the rod in my humerus were extracted...I had black and blue bruises on the upper arms where they must have held tight extract the rod that had been there for more than a year and I had a few stitches right from my shoulder to my wrist .... However I went with the humour and did not take a single dose of painkiller after I became conscious ....the doctor told me it is important for the swelling to reduce ... I said no thankyou ....I will take watermelon and pineapple juice for it .... he rolled his eyes and went away ...he knew my weird ways by then ....
PPS : the head of a pvt college near my house and her gang used 'the accident' to get the Nth degree of Paisa Vasool ok paisa means money and vasool means to get,extract, demand forcefully, and a few more meanings ok ....
however Paisa Vasool 'taken together' mean to get one's money's worth ..... a best fit to describe Shylock ...the character coined by The Famous Bard
however Paisa Vasool 'taken together' mean to get one's money's worth ..... a best fit to describe Shylock ...the character coined by The Famous Bard
1st I had given the college ...a written request that I would need some support with leave and work etc If I joined full time as I was due for operations ...which they did not give me ...they would not let me write to the Univ HQ for leave and at the college level they did all kinds of hanky panky
2nd they put me in the exam dept ...where lifting paper bundles took a heavy toll on my hands and my shoulder ...
3rd and the nastiest ...I could go all teary if people asked about my hand
ever so often when I needed something or had something important to discuss...they would bring up the topic of my hand and upset me ...till I got wise to their sic deviousness and the tears turned into Smirks ...ohhhhh it would irritate them no end LOL
ergo ... in the extreme short run and in the long long ...long run ...when we humans ...unlike Keynes notion(of we are all dead in the long run) ...are Still Alive ...we can think of Tragedies as Comedies and laugh at various aspects of the tragedy and our ignoramus foolish reactions to the tragedy
ever so often when I needed something or had something important to discuss...they would bring up the topic of my hand and upset me ...till I got wise to their sic deviousness and the tears turned into Smirks ...ohhhhh it would irritate them no end LOL
ergo ... in the extreme short run and in the long long ...long run ...when we humans ...unlike Keynes notion(of we are all dead in the long run) ...are Still Alive ...we can think of Tragedies as Comedies and laugh at various aspects of the tragedy and our ignoramus foolish reactions to the tragedy
the interim short run period is when we get upset and tend to tear up ...however society is soooooooooooooooooooooo full of Sand Paperish Parasites ....they toughen one up so very well ...for free .... LOL LOL LOL
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