Sunday, 29 June 2014


mama who is ur best friend demands my little piscean .......he needs reassurance every once in a while and he loves to repeat ......reminds me of his grandad (a piscean too)and our early morning talks ..... he needed a black tea at 6am and i wud wake up to make it and then sit with him while he sipped it ....he always started off by narrating his dreams ....such vivid dreams he had and ever so often i wud wonder which year he was talking about and if he was talking about his dream or something else ...... he always spoke in english with me ...even though i understood assamese by that time ..... i would reply very rarely ...coz i never got some part of his extensive dreams and i did not want to hurt his feelings .... it is surprising how my second child has so many of his mannerisms ....his anger, the way he sat, he eats very limited amounts of food ...... a strange child who does not like chocolates and even if the food is his favourite .....he sticks to his quota and never ever over eats !!!! i so wish he wud and become a little chubby

i always answer my little one's questions with questions ....who do i go for movies with? who do i go to restaurants with and get so thoroughly embarrassed ? who do i go shopping with ...who do i go for walks with ? by now he is bored of my questions and screams.... mama u forgot to click the food !!!!!!!! and i smile a thank you at my little imp ..... both the brothers want to help with the photo session and then my elsder one wanted the phone to see the videos i made of the football matches .... and finally i am so hungry i give in ......

yikes i had not seen the videos and suddenly realise i sound highly weird supporting my little one to convert opportunities into a goal on the field ...wil have to take off the sound in the videos ....i make a mental note to myself ..... then the elder one decides he has to pull up the little one for not converting so many opportunities into goals on the field .....and what a sorry captain the little one was ..... obviously the little one who had cried abt a weak team for 4 days was not going to take any of it and so starts another of their loud arguments......

i try the emotional black mail of .....i am tired and hate arguments when i am eating and try to sound as hurt as possible .......both the boys as usual have an attack of temporary deafness ..... lol ......most moms would understand this affliction :( i decide to change topics and ask if the they can see the sports channel well ......and luckily they decide to see an interview of the boys... who recently sang a hindi song, for the release of spiderman in india ...... ha ha ....sometimes miracles do happen chez nous too :D .....
their favourite way of spending time with me of late is tell me the virtues of programs being aired on the idiot box ....they are very upset with the fact that i have given up on watching the idiot box ..... finally we watch the making of the song by sanam and samar  ..... and the sensible discussion that ensued was docile enough and i finished my food in peace yesterday afternoon ......

i do have a real bad habit of forgetting to pay the electricity bill ...and of late if the electricity goes off kids are like ...mama did u forget to pay the bill !!! and i am of course not .... twice after coming back we had our electricity going off for delay in paying the bill .....they both are my local guardians and sometimes the incessant calls when i am out of the house, can be a real headache ....they need to know where i am at all times .....a sad fall out of having a worrying father, who grew up with insurgency and has major trust issues .....some of that overcautious approach to circumstances did rub off on my kids .....
spending extreme close up time with my boys, is a lesson in 'strategy' at most times !!!!!! they teach me new aspects of life and myself every day ..... :) 

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...