Sunday, 29 June 2014


went to drop my little one to his football coaching class .....he was supposed to go alone today as my elder one is not in a mood to go watch football if he can not play it .....moreover cousins being in his granny's place ..he refused to go ....i always thought the younger was a bold kid as when ever we go out... it is he, who gets information or even runs most errands for me ....he does max for me it was so upsetting to see him wiping tears as i was taking him in the rick to the venue and quickly wiping his eyes once the bus was there ....i told his brother's batch mate to look after him and ensure that he ate at break time .... sigh .... kids always come up with something different when u least expect it ....he is a little upset at his team being weak and losing two matches and winning only one match and having a draw in the 4th match .....i felt it is all ok as long as he enjoyed, played and ran well....  


he did just fine yesterday .... he scored a goal and made his team win a crucial match ....he has been made captain of his team and was in seventh heaven when my friends and i went to pick him up ....he had a great time telling them both abt his match and i was glad i made him go yesterday .... he is thrilled i am gonna be there with him today .... how can i not be there ...both my kids will be getting their certificates from the ppl who run the coaching classes .... the boy who started 'happy feet' is an ex student of mine ..... life is full circle now ..... in a way :)

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...