Friday, 28 August 2020

#EatMoreMillets #Rye

 Eating Rye ... and including it in one's diet Regularly

1. Helps in Weight Loss thanks to the fibre content..
2. Prevents Gall Stones as it contains elements that decrease the amount of Bile Acids ...
3. Metabolism....this unique granular grass can boost metabolism due to certain properties of it's high fibre content
4. Fights it has low glycaemic index and produces lower levels of glucose ...
5. Promotes Heart it helps lower cholesterol levels
6.Anti Inflammatory...
7. helps fight Asthma...
8. Rye can help prevent different types of cancer ...ergo it is one of the first solid foods given to infants...
9. Good for our Hormones ergo a must have for women above 40 and those dealing with menopause
10. Good for Skeletal health due to high amounts of Magnesium and Calcium and helps maintain good bone health and teeth ...
11. Good Source of Nutrients ... as it has calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, and pantothenic acid ...
it is Excellent for women who suffer from Low HB levels and is considered one of the grains that are necessarily given to infants ...
in South India and in the Coastal Belt in Konkan ...this is a part of the staple diet of poor is affordable and had on a daily basis and this is what Sustains them and gives them the Energy to deal with heavy duty labour ....this has some amount of Gluten ...ergo if one is Gluten Intolerant ...then one will have to consult their doctor Before Consuming this Millet ....
Millets are consumed across the length and Breadth of India and help sustain the poor people even though they have a restricted Diet .... we should consume more millets and i hope we do start a Movement towards Healthy Eating and Sufficient Nutrients specially for the girl child in India and Millets Fit the Bill Awsumly !!!

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Vernacular Languages should be introduced in a Fun Way in schools ...Combine Vernacular with ...Drama class and Music Class and Arts class ... Dialogue and conversation is how Vernacular languages should be Introduced

If the rule to be implemented is that ...for the 1st 5 years is to be only in the mother tongue ....this goes against the theory that ....the younger the child ...greater the capacity to pick up a language .... there is a large number of students whose parents keep changing their place of work...
so how will such students cope when shifting from one state to another ??? on Tea Research Stations ..the kids of North Indian scientists were some who suffered the most ...when they shifted to Tamil Nadu ....Tamil becoming compulsory in the late 90s meant ...scrapping through class
what about CBSE and ISCE schools ....since ICSE schools have low level of Marathi and passing is not compulsory kids had to change their Board altogether ...when their ICSE school changed to SSC in 2015 elder child could never have coped with 9th grade level of Marathi in the SSC Board....
i never taught my kids English at home till they started Grade 1 ... till then they learnt Hindi and kept hearing assamese-spoken by their father and me... and Malayalam in their grandparents place and from me ... once they started Grade 1 i started using English when teaching ...or else i stuck to Hindi for dad to day Conversation
Hindi was the neutral language ...not their father's or my mother tongue in case my kids are alone due to some problem ...knowing Hindi could be of help .... not everyone understands English in India
in a world where E-Sports is getting to be a Huge Opportunity ...why would India want to grant our kids ....lack of Fluency in English ???
kids as young as 9 are participating in Global Events be it Science or Maths Olympiads or it would be Unfair to Deny knowledge of a Global Language to the young kids in India
Before the Proposals are Levied should be sent out to Objective Critics and Parents ...for a Feedback
Only then can Policy really Help a country like India ...
in school ...i learnt English from Lower KG along with Hindi...which was in an Air Force School .....then when i shifted to the convent school-i passed out from... during my Sr KG ...i had only English to contend with ...i started Marathi in Grade 1 and Hindi in Grade 5 in the convent school following the SSC State Board i learnt English and Marathi from Grade 1, Hindi got added in Grade 5 and i dropped Marathi in Grade 8 and learnt English, Hindi and French during 8th, 9th and 10th grade
ICSE kids had English and Hindi and Marathi was optional Marathi/Vernacular is compulsory in all Boards...
Except in IB and IGSCE schools
i do see a huge Shift in kids going to the IB and IGSCE Boards ...if parents have a transferable job .... it is very difficult picking up Various Vernacular languages for kids ...spl when some of them shift in between terms ...
i Feel Vernacular should be a Fun class in all schools ....Combine Vernacular with ...Drama class and Music Class and Arts class ... Dialogue and conversation is how Vernacular languages should be Introduced and then the child and parent allowed to judge... IF they want to take it further ....
Shoving a Language down a child's throat is a Bad way to inculcate a Love for Languages

Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...