Thursday 4 July 2019

4th July

🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day!!!! The US of America …. the land of Freedom, Equality and Success that was and is Such a magnet to scores of Indians too …. Wishing that America goes back to being the land of Promise and Hope it used to be !!!! may all the issues that you as a nation are grappling with ironed out … and may you Rise to be the Actual Beacon …. the Statue of Liberty stands for ….
millions saw that statue and hoped to enter your shores for a better Life … for Asylum … for Success and for Freedom from oppression ….
may you stop judging on the basis of colour, creed, race, status and all other standards that are Discriminatory!!!
Best Wishes America !!!

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Conversations chez moi on 1st April 2017...

 Conversations chez moi  yesterday : little one to me ....if you say Yes to me mama (he needed an ice cream) i will teach you bad ..bad word...