life has such a way of Turning Tables ….after my 12th grade exams due to 1mark I did not get into the Govt Culinary school in my city I was livid with everyone as they did not even let me apply to the National Institute of Hotel Mgt …
finally after a few more Dhinchaak Twists and the Navy job fiasco … I found myself looking for a job after my M.Phil course work and exams were over ...
one needs Money to finance Research ...lmao ….and one senior from the university research cell told me to go meet a senior Prof from a govt PG college …. after much prodding and a stern shout I went and talked to said Prof ...
he sent me to my junior college Prof ...who sent me to ILs law college and The Hotel Mgt Institute... I Cried my eyes out for ...lmao … I did not want to go teach in that hotel mgt institute ….imagine teaching in a Culinary College ...specially because I knew a Mallu Prof there and he knew what a Fit I had thrown and how I had not gone to college for 3 months post my 12th grade …
he would grin each time he saw me ..his daughter was my junior in school and I would feel Highly sheepish every time I met him ...
I joined 1st year of degree college three weeks before the mid semesters … amidst much Drama chez moi
I used to Laugh at the notion of doing a graduation … I used to think only vela people do such things …. I wanted to work before I was 20 ...I had such a Mission in life ….being a Chef ….lol
the students in the Culinary College were the Sweetest I have ever taught …..they would get me food every evening from their practical class and they were students specialising in a baking course ...what aromas ...and if we finished the set syllabus for a day ...I would shut the door and play Dumb Charade's with them or some kid would sing or dance or we would play some games in class used to be a 2 hour class and we got along like a house on fire
they never troubled me when I was teaching and life was good there
I used to Laugh at the notion of doing a graduation … I used to think only vela people do such things …. I wanted to work before I was 20 ...I had such a Mission in life ….being a Chef ….lol
the students in the Culinary College were the Sweetest I have ever taught …..they would get me food every evening from their practical class and they were students specialising in a baking course ...what aromas ...and if we finished the set syllabus for a day ...I would shut the door and play Dumb Charade's with them or some kid would sing or dance or we would play some games in class used to be a 2 hour class and we got along like a house on fire
they never troubled me when I was teaching and life was good there
on the other hand ...I was the youngest person teaching at the Law College and it was Pure Hell....instead of only my students ...I used to have a jam packed lecture hall with 5th year students sitting at the highest level was a hall with steps made of cement and benches on each step being at a higher level than the previous one ….
there were huge windows and 2 doors to the lecture hall and Pandemonium Personified ….Loud clapping and whistling greeted me on my first day in any college …..since the first college I studied in had some rowdy elements and I was used to public speaking ….. I just thanked them for a very warm welcome..... finished a round of introductions and realised something was Very Wrong when I was taking attendance
there were huge windows and 2 doors to the lecture hall and Pandemonium Personified ….Loud clapping and whistling greeted me on my first day in any college …..since the first college I studied in had some rowdy elements and I was used to public speaking ….. I just thanked them for a very warm welcome..... finished a round of introductions and realised something was Very Wrong when I was taking attendance
I ignored the Elements in my class and gave a brief about the course we were going to do that year ...I told them since we had both Micro and Macro to cover … I would need a co-operative and well behaved class ...
Fat Chance …
my voice was Hoarse in 3 days of a 1 hour lecture … they troubled the peons posted outside in the corridor ...and I am sure word must have gone to the Principal ...and she sent for me …. I told her how 5th year students were disrupting my class and bullying the young kids in my class ...the 5th year students were nearly my age and absolute rascals ...
Fat Chance …
my voice was Hoarse in 3 days of a 1 hour lecture … they troubled the peons posted outside in the corridor ...and I am sure word must have gone to the Principal ...and she sent for me …. I told her how 5th year students were disrupting my class and bullying the young kids in my class ...the 5th year students were nearly my age and absolute rascals ...
in all of that chaos I had one Role Model of a student I used to address as Sir ...he was retired govt official and was in class to earn his degree in law … sooo very Earnest and Open minded ...he used to address me as Mam and that one student was Sir for me
not one pip squeak
I got from anyone in class when I would address that student as Sir when I would take attendance …..the rowdy kids too were friends with the oldest student in my class

I got from anyone in class when I would address that student as Sir when I would take attendance …..the rowdy kids too were friends with the oldest student in my class
the Principal promised that she would help out and I guess she spoke to the 5th year students and she posted two peons outside the doors during my class ….life was slightly better ….however those kids would go into the hilly area outside the huge windows and yell ...''Koteh bolti hai ...Khoteh bolti hai'' on top of their voices during my class ...
it meant ...she is Fibbing ...she is fibbing ….it was hilarious actually but I Dared not laugh
once the peons were not there and the hooligans were back in class and going full stream with all kinds of loud shenanigans ….there was a class assignment coming up and I had to finish some topic that day ...ergo ...I stopped class ...banged the wooden dusters on the wall to make a loud clang and I got pin drop silence
I let loose my Trade Mark dialogue ...Please do not come to college and insult your upbringing by advertising your level of Being ….my regular students had this Stunned look at the decibel of my voice and the anger in my demeanour ….
Surprisingly those words hit home and hit hard ….my fav group came down and apologised and said that they were deeply hurt by me dragging in home and parents into a lecture ….
I realised those kids must have been outstation students and I said it is ok to have a bit of fun as long as I was not paying the doctor sooo much for my throat … and that teaching that one class was a huge Strain on my vocal chords ...
it meant ...she is Fibbing ...she is fibbing ….it was hilarious actually but I Dared not laugh
once the peons were not there and the hooligans were back in class and going full stream with all kinds of loud shenanigans ….there was a class assignment coming up and I had to finish some topic that day ...ergo ...I stopped class ...banged the wooden dusters on the wall to make a loud clang and I got pin drop silence
I let loose my Trade Mark dialogue ...Please do not come to college and insult your upbringing by advertising your level of Being ….my regular students had this Stunned look at the decibel of my voice and the anger in my demeanour ….
Surprisingly those words hit home and hit hard ….my fav group came down and apologised and said that they were deeply hurt by me dragging in home and parents into a lecture ….
I realised those kids must have been outstation students and I said it is ok to have a bit of fun as long as I was not paying the doctor sooo much for my throat … and that teaching that one class was a huge Strain on my vocal chords ...
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