Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Mother's Day

i feel even inanimate things can Nurture ...like a special blanket kids tend to lov for years on end .... my kids call me FB queen ....coz they have tried their Level Best to make me open an Instagram account and I refuse ...ditto with snapchat and most other platforms they suggest ....eg podcast is their latest thing and they feel I should support my blog with podcasts with my voice recording the blog ....hmmmm ....my kids and I give each other very good advice ...however follow up is where ...both ...my kids and I fail .... LOL
whenever i get time i am on FB ...sometimes a little too much ....i keep a check most times .....
however doesn't social media nurture ???....
it does ...in excess everything is bad ....
however ...countless times since 2012 when i was upset or Bored ...FB would show something interesting to read ....
my point is ....Mothering need not be Only related to Birthing ....so many people have groomed and nurtured my way of thinking ...over and above my parents ....
relatives, neighbours, teachers and profs in college, people I met on the bus, the vegetable vendors who came to the AirForce camp I grew up in, bungalow help, workers on the estates, students I have taught .... to my Kids ...who teach me soooooooooooooooo very much .... and Nurture me too ....if they gauge my moods they will be funny to cheer me up ...sometimes they cook to help me out ....sometimes it is cleaning the house and now grocery shopping is totally their chore ....
I also feel Google and YouTube too are a big Help and nurturers too .....everytime I have been in a crisis .... google and youtube have helped ....
Radio stations too ....if one is friends with RJs ....they will play your fav songs to cheer one up ...in case they know we are sad or feeling low ....
my kids look out for each other and can stand in for me ...at times when they are away from home ....
pet owners are mothers too ....
some men are very good at Mothering ...be it due to loss of a spouse or due to separation ...
it is a 24x7x365 day attitude ....no one is born a Mother ....situations make us so ....
I put on my mom's shoes at 12 when she went to Kerala due to a tragedy in the family and I started cooking for the sis and dad and dad's brother and dad's friend ... I still remember my paternal uncle going off post a heavy drinking session in Malayalam about ''stop trying to be a mother'' ... LOL he used to be so zonked out and I loved to cook ergo it turned out fine ....
Mothering is a role and character ...which comes ohh so naturally to most .....once donned ...is impossible to take off .... try it ...

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...