Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Empowered youth and economics - the power they have to bring about world peace...

There are many instances world over where students have been the reason behind the start of revolutions. Many of these revolutions did bring about far reaching positive changes to the places where they took place. Then there are many regions in the world today which are plagued by insurgent activity which have been started for various issues. In most cases insurgency starts on lofty intellectuals ideals and in most cases are started by the intellectuals of a particular region. Soon the ideals for which these movements started seemto get eroded and what replaces the insurgent movement is ordinary arson,extortion and ransom in the name of some 'xyz' cause. The sad part being that the target of the insurgents to increase their numbers tends to be the youth of the region, specially the unemployed youth who can be easily swayed.
Every rebel group hopes to come to power to change the system they think is bad, but sadly I am reminded of Geroge Orwell’s AnimalFarm. Is there a guarantee that the new system is going to be better  than the system it wishes to replace? Another fundamental problem each such warring faction forgets is the effect their activities have on the younger children growing up in the shadow of such uprisings. Statistics shows that children growing up in trouble or strife prone areas tend to show Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Not a single insurgent understands that in adopting violent methods to achieve their ends they end up eroding two generations of their community. First they target the youth and second the children growing up in the shadow of the violence they are spearheading, grow up with problems too. Then who are these people fighting to create a new social order or state or religion for ? In the very process of using violence they are wiping out any new progress they could achieve, even if they achieve it, who are they creating a new society for ? scarred youth ?.
I believe the solution to this problem is very simple –economics will have to reign supreme.  If the governments and industry of insurgency affected regions put their heads together, they can come up with a multipronged solution to ensure the maximum number of youth are either studying, working or are in the process of becoming entrepreneurs.The greater the number of youth gainfully employed, fewer the number of youth left to join such rebels. The government and industry should work together to ensure greater industry academia partnerships to ensure career oriented courses which will increase the employability of students. Greater the employability of students the lesser will be the number of idle youth. There is a movement of entrepreneurship gaining momentum across nations which will also help in this regard.
The government should also ensure that the politicians and religious groups should not be allowed to incite the youth, by laying down stringent laws. In the end I believe it all boils down to empowered youth  and economics. If more decisions are taken on the basis of economic reasons there will be easier solutions to problems across the globe. It will also result in fair and just decisions being the order of the day unlike a system where decisions are based on caste, creed, rule, colour or any other such convoluted reasons. Empowered youth and economics can surely bring about world peace in the long run!!

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Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...