Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Onam and Vegetarian food for a Demon King??? Hmmm:)

 made this last year in Bahrain ...all alone ….3 types of oyizch kuttann (loose curry) and 7 types of kuttaan (curry/side dishes) ...papadams  and a sweet dish … I was sooo dead beat by that time ….I served everyone and sent food for the building caretaker ….had just a few bites and went to zzzzzzzz …. ate properly at night …. by the time I was serving food ...I was desperate to zzzzzzz … LOL 

I wonder who invented a vegetarian meal on Onam Kerala was ruled by a very able and just Demon King called Mahabali … I wonder if Mahabali was vegetarian … this meal is made as a representation of the food that was eaten by All the citizens in Mahabali's kingdom …. as there was no cheating or lying nor stealing or any other ill in Kerala then … people were very prosperous and there was no poverty …. everyone could wear good clothes and eat well and lived happily …. 

however imagine making soooooo much food everyday …. without a fridge …. we eat Onam fare for at least 4 days now … thanks to the fridge !!!

Never ...not just a Housewife ... an epitome of Selflessness ...

they say that for everything one loses ...someone in some other part of the world gains that what one loses ... i have been Extremely Lucky ...